Friday, February 3, 2012

the grocery store


It's no Target or Jewel, even. There really is no comparing French grocery stores with American ones, but the innate experience is certainly transferable! There is something strangely soothing and familiar about being in a grocery store, even without a list. Even in America, a trip to the grocery store always signifies normalcy. I feel like a normal person when I can walk around Target, pushing a cart, looking at normal people stuff. Life is crazy--especially during the summer at Totus Tuus--and so sometimes, that's all it takes to slow down a bit, and put life into perspective.

Even though my life has slowed down significantly since moving to Evreux (I'm not complaining!), the grocery store still holds a particular charm in its appeal. This week was very chilly, making it hard to want to leave the house or basically do anything. But a trip to the grocery store was needed, so I bundled up, grabbed my reusable bags, and braved the cold to reacquaint myself with the outside world. I did indeed have a grocery list, but I spent a little extra time just walking up and down the aisles, feeling like a real person. The funny thing is, I am a real person! I do need to buy groceries! And I'm not too busy to not be able to make it to the grocery store! Or Target, if France had them...

sunlight through the stained glass, cathedral :)

On another note, the weather in Evreux--and really all of Europe--has become downright glacial. Although the snow hasn't reached Evreux (and I'm not sure if it ever will...), the temperature is certainly low enough! But we have had beautiful blue skies and sun the past few days, which have been beautiful to look at, covered in blankets, through my windows...

pax christi.

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